R2sample - Various Methods for the Two Sample Problem
The routine twosample_test() in this package runs the two sample test using various test statistic. The p values are found via permutation or large sample theory. The routine twosample_power() allows the calculation of the power in various cases, and plot_power() draws the corresponding power graphs. The routine run.studies allows a user to quickly study the power of a new method and how it compares to some of the standard ones.
Last updated 4 days ago
2.48 score 3 scripts 325 downloadsRgof - 1d Goodness of Fit Tests
Routines that allow the user to run a large number of goodness-of-fit tests. It allows for data to be continuous or discrete. It includes routines to estimate the power of the tests and display them as a power graph. The routine run.studies allows a user to quickly study the power of a new method and how it compares to some of the standard ones.
Last updated 1 months ago
2.48 score 4 scripts 397 downloadsmoodlequizR - Easily Create Fully Randomized 'Moodle' Test Questions
Routines to generate fully randomized 'moodle' quizzes. It also contains 15 examples and a 'shiny' app.
Last updated 10 months ago
2.48 score 1 scripts 225 downloadssimgof - Simultaneous Goodness-of-Fits Tests
Routine that allows the user to run several goodness-of-fit tests. It also combines the tests and returns a properly adjusted family-wise p value. Details can be found in <arXiv:2007.04727>.
Last updated 4 years ago
1.00 score 1 scripts 184 downloads